O venomous brood! What I regret the blessed time where you only comment on my graphic production by dark "Gaga gogo daaa!" which I had plenty of time to interpret (very subjectively) the meaning to my advantage.
A free man In freedom We are a few to continue to believe in the noble human the elevation of the soul, disinterestedness. Some believe that politics can be great art in the public interest, not the sordid calculations of a man thirsty for power. That is why we need to conduct the trial and the terms in which some perceive the process that led the Patriarch Sfeir to find a successor in his lifetime. Those who think that it is "the Vatican" that drove the patriarch to the exit door. Those who believe that the patriarch was the victim of intrigues by his peers. All feelings of smallness which sought to reduce what Benedict describes in his letter to the patriarch, as a magnanimous gesture, a sign of true humility. "I did not ask to be relieved of my pastoral service to get my application is not accepted," said Sunday on his return from Rome, the Patriarch mobbed by the curious and unbelieving, and those fond of a "piece of life" like a dog with a piece of bloody meat. Finally, it is the face of a free man who came back from Rome. Not free of his pastoral duties but also free to make decisions. Available in pain, free under the weight of contradictions. Free under the weight of the cross, the image of him who called, justified and glorified, it was under the image of "suffering servant". Not that this exaltation is intoxicated. We are witnessing a man always simple, pragmatic, smiling, loving the good word. From a man of great memory that will always be the conscience of our years of war.