Again, these traitors have prevented me months to satisfy your thirst for conceptuality. I apologize but know you understand me, because you have spent there.
To return to this photo, you can see here a broadcast off, as a sudden flattening of any verbal conceptual, unlike the Conceptual Photo No. 023, where the glow spreads its warmth in our hearts snow. However, notwithstanding a stain obscures this moving blackboard may not be covered with chalk to see what life is enlightened concept dark well, I suggest the following interpretation: When the first First, what we see is spotless, seems perfect, moves us and makes us confident, sometimes you look more closely to discover the spot that darkens everything, leaving us puzzled and in doubt. It is better to discover before, under penalty of trouble. We could summarize this by the simple phrase metaphorically: "The foot of a lighthouse is still in the shade should be back to see its light.." Thus s'applatit this picture, which can make you happy, as desperate as I am.
I hope this is clear enough and will put you on the way, although my explanation are confusing. Understand: these concepts Me are so common that I can think hard to express them with clarity.
Sincerely, Your
model to everyone,
Conceptual Girl