Friday, December 17, 2010

Letter From New Doctor

Fallen Conceptual Inspiration or fleeting (Conceptual Photo No. 036)

Dear reader,
Here is my new picture Conceptual, showing the snow, and as so aptly Mr. Baudelaire , "r ien n ' equal in length the lame days - When under heavy flakes of snowy years - The Boredom , fruit of dreary incuriosity - Takes the proportions of immortality .. "Finally, I'm not sure I understood, but extremely difficult to convince me that you are well.
In addition, my survey is completed. Having voted overwhelmingly (93%) for " No, this blog is sublime in its conceptual apparatus and
change upset my system of values
Universal. So I wanted to thank you , Conceptual
Girl try to make us more open to
concepts and appeal of the absurdity of Life. "
I think I will change anything, because it
upset your system universal values,
and I'll tell you anything, dear reader, to try to
you make more open to the concepts and appeal
the absurdity of life.
your model to everyone,
Conceptual Girl

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Who Is R&b Singer Sammie Dating

Christmas RTT

concipriote Dear, dear compatoyenne, my esteemed readers, Tata Fernande

It is with great joy tinged of tiredness that your banana Jester finished his arduous marathon travaillesque end of the year and formally withdrew in his slippers to draw from rest and quiet.
So we end up in 2011, rejuvenated, refreshed and pétants health. The family
Grumeau wish you all a happy festive season.

Peace, Love and curl.

PS: If someone is willing to sacrifice for watering Tata Fernande during my absence ...

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trowel Size For 3/8 Tile


In a very subtle game of cause and effect, you will easily deduce that Mom is on-Grumeau her gold medal at the Olympics shod sonotone Paralympic auditory Grumeauland suicide.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Happens When Paint Freezes

of heredity in engineering scriptural

Since then I have made much progress, I am now writing "Rhinoceros" .
is true.
you believe me?

Hold on, I'll be back.

Scritch, Scritch, scrith ...

Agade! I wrote "Rhinoceros" .
is not pretty?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Can I Run And Jog With A Herniated Disc

Ragnagna Mangedécroûtes, breast tribute

concipriote Dear, Dear compatoyenne Tata Fernande, my snow shovel,

Your Goblin being somewhat overwhelmed, today's Ragnagna Mangedécroûtes that entertains you the top of his large reinforcements to fessecroûte Alexandrian discount Discontinued written on toilet paper.
note, a few verses that follow compounds probably the turning of a trek ethyl copiously watered may offend the sensibilities of the most poetic aesthetes of yourself.
Anyway ... It's no worse than what you read everyday on your Facebook or Twitter your world.

Ragnagna also occurs on
his blog on Fessecroûte and Twitter .