cupboards, or Ode To Maladroit (Conceptual Photo No. 021) Conceptual
Eh well here, as you have been so many request, a new article. I apologize for my lack of rigor on this awesome blog. There is still a question that I would like to submit few but faithful readers: Do not you find it odd, even inappropriate, that on a blog called Photos Conceptual, much of the concept is doomed to texts ? Do you think I should change the name of my blog, or maybe shorten My lyrics so brilliant yet? I would like you to answer comments, knowing, of course, that I absolutely do not keep account of your opinion.
Now for the clarification about this photo it. Representing only
closets, always at the height of fashion, as you can easily appreciate, this symbol is intended to engage the public face of the profound nature of human beings. Not finding it myself not very clear, I'd rather explain it away. With no time to take into account the vectorial nature of Life itself, performed brilliantly during one of these poems by poemgirl, who appears as justified Life to swallow, perhaps, we are deeply alerted by our subconscious when we focus on a household chore or unimportant artistic or intellectual, we are dropping at the same time that we hold in hand, or what we were trying to catch it or next to what we passed. We can deduce that awkward are those that feel the longer the call, or who receive the most, and can therefore be regarded as privileged beings in this world, comprising more than anyone the meaning of life and its absurdity .
Thank you and goodbye.
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