At last my new picture Conceptual, always focused on white, of course, now that he is entered as completely as possible in the tradition of the wave modern.
Yet here we are another side: that of rain, which I will now analyze: there is absolutely nothing in the rain to analyze. Therefore we might conclude hastily that this picture is nothing, but it is nothing! Behind the rain (I do not know if you've noticed) is hiding a tree. And it there all the splendor of this photo: a tree that seems obvious: the greatest contemporary symbol ever invented. Thus you might think I am boasting, but it's nothing: I simply stated a simple truth and clear: I am the greatest inventor of modern symbols of all time.
In addition, we are celebrating here even my thirtieth (30) Conceptual photo! It is an honor for me to have served so faithfully all these years and it is an honor for you to be able to read a blog so loyally such a high intellectual level.
Thanks and see you soon I hope.
Sincerely, Your model
Conceptual Girl
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