Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Carrying the Cross ... with dignity

The Synod on the Catholics of the East today begins a second week of reflection.

The Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on Churches Catholics in the Middle East today begins its second week of work, in an almost total indifference of the Arab media and Western. Apart from daily reports of the LBC and Tele-Lumiere, Lebanon, only a few Lebanese journalists, a Palestinian and an Egyptian cover this historic event. This, again, agrees with those who think that to lead to something new, a synod of the Catholics of the East should lead to the conclusion of a "new social contract, political and spiritual" between Christians and Muslims. A lucid and calm the situation has been given during the week, by the P. Boulos Tannouri, superior general of the Antonine. The latter was content to see, like everyone else, that "the political situation in the Middle East is not bound to improve" and that "Emigration remains the simplest choice to escape the situation .
However, said Father Tannouri, "the Church should not be limited to a purely human, instead, inspired by the Gospel, it must indicate the right choice, although difficult, according to a saying of Jesus in Gospel: "Enter through the narrow gate." It is the duty of the Church to educate the faithful, to accept the cross and carry it with dignity. " It's a bell has sounded quite similar Anan Ms. Lewis, a professor of English literature at Baghdad University, consecrated lay delegate of the Latin Church in this country: "Representing the people of secular Iraq she said, I would like to emphasize the fact that apart from security and political and social stability, nothing can give reasons for Iraqi Christians to stay and be deeply rooted in their country and their faith without a sincere spiritual and pastoral care of church fathers (...). Neither of Sunday sermons or classes Friday to Sunday school children are enough to encourage people to remain secular. Instead of giving money to renovate chapels or purchase empty houses or sheds decorated living stones build and establish small projects for girls and boys so they can discover their astute professional capacity. "Faith Christian true Christian courage and job creation could be the program for Ms. Lewis. Christians have done their part of this contract.

"Ambassadors of Christ"

for Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, President Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, one of the tasks of the synod is "to provide Christians in the Middle East concrete directions."
"Do not be shy to ask not only freedom of worship, but also religious freedom," he said. Invest more in our schools and universities attended by Christians and Muslims. They are laboratories required to live together. Ask us if we do enough at the local churches to encourage Christians to remain on our site: housing, tuition, health. "
The duty of Christian living, the power Attraction of holiness were on the lips of Archimandrite John Faraj, superior general of the Basilian Order (Melkite), whose parent company, the convent of St. Saviour in the Chouf mountains, houses the remains of P. Bechara Abou Mrad, whose canonization is underway. "The love of neighbor, he said, has opened many doors closed and we were assured continuity for 300 years. Six times in our history we have been looted, vandalized, bombed and displaced from our monasteries, our parishes and our region. More than 25 priests and religious were martyred cruelly. Forgive, believe and testify seem the only way to continue and endure. We are ambassadors of Christ (...). People of all nationalities and religions, are attracted by the saints. They come to pray and ask for their help (...). The example is the guarantee of the success and continuity. "

A" new springtime "

Mgr Michel Aoun, the Maronite bishop of Beirut vicar, for his part, stressed the need for a new opportunity for church communities to do their work of evangelization. "I firmly believe," he said in his speech that this synod would give an answer the expectations of our loyal if offered strong pastoral routes for adults who can lead our Christian faith adult (...). The Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI continues to encourage the charisms which the Holy Spirit inspires in the new ecclesial communities where fruits are evident (...). Bishops and priests are, above all, the guarantors of the communion, and on behalf of this communion, I would like this Synod encourages them to discern the benefits that these bring charisma to the Church and to welcome them as a new spring. "

Opening the horizon

Come as a guest Cardinal Roger Etchegarray, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, the Synod has provided one of his "keywords". Visibly moved, the cardinal said he looked Etchegarray icon of the Virgin Mary and have had this intuition that these pastors were compiled by the synod as the Magi from the East which the Gospels speak of Christ's childhood, of magi seeking the star next to the West. But, said the cardinal, they also called to look to the East and even to the Far East. The Cardinal has opened the horizon of this synod to Far Eastern Christian, alive and suffering, the huge China but also Pakistan, North Korea, Burma and Laos, Vietnam, to name only the land where the challenges of religious freedom are the best known.

Fady Noun

hilda.barhoum @


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