Dear reader,
Here is a picture that reflects both the trend of the moment that Me in all My beautiful size: a white circle. Have you ever noticed, with all the insight that distinguishes you so, dear reader, a recurrent theme of this blog which entered its third year is fast approaching the circle? Strange, is not it? Well, not as it, mind you: long ago, when I entered one of those typical cultural outings in June, I was struck, challenged and interested, although so little frightened by the Man in the Circle. This incredible concept has fueled my thirst for conceptuality and maybe, God knows, it inspired me towards the concept that I am today.
fact remains that the circles intrigued by them perhaps immeasurable eternity or their infinite depth, partitioning paradoxically linked to the value of infinity ... I should add that image in the header My blog but, alas! I do not even be able to. What unfathomable sadness overwhelms me suddenly! With what force melancholy arises from My bowels! What, do I start to write like a Latin version. Bavassé enough, for the music!
Sincerely, Your
model to everyone,
Conceptual Girl
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