Here is a picture of all that is most disgusting, filthy see rude. Do not worry: I do not fall into vulgarity. I just want to disassemble a thesis propounded by a French teacher. Let's be clear: My goal is simply to disassemble the person who issued this thesis and did no responsibility whatsoever for, according to my opinion, she was only repeating what she had heard, but the thesis itself.
So here's this famous thesis: When Gustave Flaubert said, I quote: "I feel against the stupidity of my time waves of hatred that choke me. I mounted the shit in his mouth, as in strangulated hernia. But I want to keep it, freeze it, harden it. I want to make a paste which I scribble the nineteenth century, as it browns cow dung Indian pagodas. , "by which he meant he wanted to make nice with the ugly. And that person to take one example, it is true, Well, quite relevant: when writing Madame Bovary, Gustave makes it good beautiful with the ugly, because the story of Madame Bovary is commonplace and ugly, and only the style of writing makes it beautiful.
I think we should not think too much. I think this sentence will only say that Flaubert was really disgusted by the nineteenth century, and even putting his shit on it, it would make it more beautiful than it is, what does mean The nineteenth century is even uglier than his poop in simple words. And then, let my photos Conceptual No. 022 and 023: Glow Conceptual Paradox or Contradictory Conceptual and Diffusion Fallacy or subtle, which I explained brilliantly by A + B everything is ugly and all is well, taking as basis a superb fallacy of my composition: "The beautiful is ugly and evil good . Applying this new paradox, that we will, for simplicity and does not confuse you, consider this as a universal truth, in the example developed above, we find that everything is ugly, Gustave Flaubert certainly could not make the beautiful, this requires that it be that he wanted to express in his citation! That completely dismantles that argument, both physically and philosophically.
I hope you have learned something, and do not doubt for a second.
Sincerely, Your
philosopher station
Your model everyone,
Conceptual Girl
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