Michel Temer of Lebanese origin, Vice-President of Brazil
The January 1, 2011, for the first time in the political history of Brazil, the 8th largest economy in the world has the presidency of the Republic, one woman , Dilma Rousseff, 62, of the Workers' Party (PT), and also to Vice-Presidency `a man of Lebanese descent, Michel Temer, 70, of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB). Dilma had the full support of outgoing president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who could not seek a third consecutive term in 2010 and declared: "I would like that after me, Brazil is governed by a woman, and the ideal person already exists: Dilma Rousseff. "
Dilma Vana Rousseff was born in 1947 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Economist, she is the daughter of Coimbra Dilma Silva and Pedro Rousseff Bulgarian lawyer member of the Bulgarian Communist Movement, who emigrated to France in 1929 and then moved at the end of the Second World War in Argentina and then Brazil. Dilma, from a family of average clase, argued in his youth left-wing guerrillas against the military dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985). Arrested in 1970, she was tortured for twenty-two days and taken prisoner for three years, which earned him the nickname of "Jeanne d` Arc "of the guerrillas. In the late 70s, she married a member of the guerrilla movement, Carlos Araujo, with whom she lived for over thirty years with their only daughter, Paula Araújo Rousseff. Dilma graduated in Economics from the Universidade Federal do Rio `Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), State of São Paulo.
Between 1991 and 1995, she was Secretary of State for Energy in Rio Grande do Sul in 2001 and came to the Workers' Party (PT). Appointed Minister of Energy in 2003, she left that position two years later to be named chief of staff when she ordered the plan to accelerate growth, a strategic program of great works. In 2011, the ex-guerrilla Dilma Rousseff reaches the apex of power with a strong mandate to continue the policy conducted since 2002, with his side a vice president of Origin Lebanese, Michel Temer.
Miguel Elias Michel Temer Lulia, Brazilian `s Lebanese origin, born in Tietê, in the` State of São Paulo in 1940, is a lawyer, professor and politician. He is the youngest of eight brothers. His parents, March and Miguel Elias Barbar Lulia Lulia Temer, emigrated from Btaboura in Koura (North Lebanon) and arrived in Brazil in 1924. They `s settled on a farm in Tietê, where they got the machines to work the rice and coffee from the region. The older brother worked with the father and the others studied in São Paulo. Michael joined the faculty of Law `s Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and a PhD at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) of São Paulo. He was a professor of law and is considered one of the greatest constitutional country. Father of five children, he is now married with Marcela Tedeschi Araujo.
Temer is the author of several books, including: Territorio Federal nas Constituições Brasileiras (Federal Territory in the Brazilian Constitution, 1975), Elementos de Direito Constitucional (Elements of Constitutional Law 1987, with 20 editions and more than 200 000 copies sold ), Seus Direitos na Constituinte (His Rights in the Constituent, 1989) and Constituição e Política (Political Constitution, 1994).
He began his political career as secretary of Education in São Paulo in 1983 and was appointed attorney general of the State of São Paulo. In 1984 he became secretary of Public Security of São Paulo in 1985 and created the first Brazilian police the woman victim of violence. In 1986 he was elected member for constituting the PMDB. The Vice-President Temer stands by its position as moderator and his knowledge of constitutional law. As MP, Temer was elected to six terms and elected three-time president of the Chamber of Deputies in 1997, 1999 and 2009. During his tenure, he completed a project involving the structures of the Brazilian state `and modernizing its national institutions. He is known for its capacity as facilitator between the `opposition and the government. In 2001 he became national president of the PMDB party. He also assured, as chairman of the House of Deputies, twice President of the Republic acting in 1998 and 1999. So today, as Vice-President, he don `t have any difficulty to assume the presidency if necessary.
Temer conducted in 1997 an official visit to Lebanon as as president of the Chamber of Deputies and was received with full honors by the Lebanese authorities and citizens Btaboura. In 1999, he supported the parliamentary group with Brazil-Lebanon launched a comprehensive guide of Lebanon, the first Portuguese, made by myself and was released in Brasilia in order to familiarize Brazilians Lebanon, history, culture and tourism.
In May 2010, Michel Temer, president of the Chamber of Deputies, in Brasilia hosted the President of the Republic of Lebanon, General Michel Sleiman - official visit to the country - referring to the `importance of developing relations between Brazil and Lebanon, since Brazil has the largest colony of Lebanese and Lebanese descendants in the world (over 4 million) and the National Congress, consisting of 513 MPs and 81 senators, a powerful parliamentary group composed of Brazilians of Origin Lebanon, Brazil, Lebanon, constituting about 8% of members of Congress.
As we have seen, Michel Temer has extensive parliamentary experience and can still give a lot in his new position as vice president, which he said clearly: "I am a vice president within the Federal Constitution . I am extremely discreet, as befits a vice-president. "
Director of the Centre of Studies and Latin American cultures in the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (cecal-USEK)
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