Councils foireux Tata Nath
Dear Solenne,
Rejoice you lucky girl happy because the company Onpensàtou (known for its legendary marketing slogan Shabby "With Onpensàtou, you spend your pennies" ) has launched no later that there recently a new service 100% grumeaulandais that the whole world we want not (but that is because the foreigners do not know what is good and it's unfortunate but too bad for them).
This new service will revolutionize the way care (and probably take off the gloves production figures plastic household, so it's time to buy shares at MAPP) is Babysitter '® Discount The Babysitting at discount prices. A sort of Nursing
hacked off at the list of benefits is not insignificant:
- A babysitter always available, kind and unflappable
- reduced maintenance costs,
- No Christmas bonus payable year end,
- More telephone bills ruinous because of repeated calls to a boyfriend who has the bad idea of living on the other side of the Atlantic,
- A high versatility of the product (it also replaces your scarecrow and all discretion of meals Sunday suppliciels stepmother)
- And it also makes Christmas tree (in case of sudden defection of the traditional thorny noëllifère)
And if not, there's always television which is roughly the same as a baby-sitter and cheaper. We say thank you
I am advised that the headset I just put the National Association of Baby-sitters Angry back and I'd better shave walls crab for a century or two, and the time forget.
Good ... I think I'll sneak out with dignity and courage, I have some garbage out.
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