Saint Maron now near St. Peter in the heart of Christendom
Benedict XVI blessed sunrise sail yesterday on the statue of Saint Maron, installed in a niche in the outer perimeter of St. Peter's Basilica in the heart of Christendom. What centuries of links of all kinds between the Holy See and the Maronite Church have woven was dedicated yesterday.

"This tribute Historically, the capital of Catholicism, the presence of the Maronite Church founded there in 1600 years, we understand it as a heavy responsibility that His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI tells us. For us to stand up, we Maronites in any selfless dedication to this presence, this influence of our Church are perpetuated through the ages. "We deeply honor the apostolic testimony concerning the authenticity of the Maronite deep rooted in their land of Lebanon, working tirelessly to build it, even when it requires them to irrigate their blood. "We We're also now blessed by this tribute apostolic in Lebanon itself. This Lebanon that the Maronite undertook to establish and maintain as a social environment based on the manifold religious and cultural pluralism. The Maronites were the first ones to build a homeland and a modern state. They would not make a Maronite Christian nation nor a state for the Maronites or Christian, although it was handy at the time. They were designed as a home for the coexistence between Muslims and Christians, a home based on the recognition of the right to difference, the respect for others, acceptance their differences. In other words, freedom and democracy. "The historic initiative of His Holiness on this day reinforces the awareness of their Maronite secular presence is based on two principles of life: the entrenchment and openness. They are, in these days, more committed than ever after our region was transformed into a breeding ground for regional and international conflicts that threaten their people in their lives, while plunging the world into terror. Especially after the spread of the virus of fanaticism organized as the multiplication of convulsions due to extremism and terrorism. A rash that aims to blur the diversity to impose a monolithic tyranny. "The historic initiative of His Holiness the Maronites also reinforces the conviction that their active presence, past or present, can not mature now and in the future, that resolutely confronting two contrary elements: isolationism and dilution. Both are fatal: isolation, withdrawal, abolishing our message, our mission, and dilution eliminates any holder of such a vocation. "This initiative reinforces the commitment today to deploy the Maronites still greater efforts for the preservation of Lebanese democratic political system that enshrines and safeguard diversity. Not a monolithic inducing the marginalization of the other, rejection, oppression and even its disposal, its extirpation. "The initiative of His Holiness Today is a new hope for all Lebanese, Muslims and Christians. Including the Maronites can not forget that they are the leaven, the leaven of Lebanon and who are at the same time, his cross in times of trial. "We find in the person of His Holiness and his farsighted views of the best inspirations and strongest supporters.
hilda.barhoum @ wanadoo.fr
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