In any lightness, like a true citizen of Parnassus Andree Chedid, the lady of the two banks, the Nile and the Seine, not to mention the Mediterranean shores of Lebanon, is gone. In his eternal sleep. Her last two books, artfully blending, as always, fiction and poetry, published ninety years, had an amazing youth and a strong message of love and life .
Serene, gentle, calm voice, Andree Chedid looks like a drop of water in his writing. A writing fluid, simple, elegant tone. Now she poses for ever the pen on the desk. "I write mostly at dawn, the first rays of sun, she told me during one of our interviews in a gray Paris where she loved to take a furtive glance through the window on a busy street in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Pres. There was talk of a text which concerned and affected his work: Andree Chedid or nostalgia for the East.
"But there never was a break for me with the East for me to talk about nostalgia ... "Says she, looking at the words that line up quietly. Indeed, the East remained at the heart of its concerns. Evidenced in this magnificent collection Ceremonial violence on the Lebanon war or a few novels and short stories that bring Beirut, in a elliptical style in broad daylight. Never forget an invaluable guide to the land of Phoenicia, which is favored by all tourists. Egypt, now in fire and blood, subject to all the upheaval and all the shocks, was also central to his inspiration. Not only its prestigious history and its ancient civilization with Nefertiti and Akhenaten's dream, but also Egypt demystified, left to its misery and its dust. And no one could give a face so authentically Egyptian, as a Greek tragedian, the sensual and volcanic Dalida the film director Youssef Chahine The sixth day, based on the novel the same title Andree Chedid. "What will occur the words," to quote the author of City of Fertile? The short life from birth to death, full of shadow and light, passion and suffering, waiting and hoping ... That is the work of Andree Chedid. She sits on a land-space that ignores geographical and historical contingencies and identify with a place of election, the country which combines instant and duration, the finite and the infinite worth and singing. A song that is this poem entitled "Freedom":
"I note from a country where nobody reign Crossed
crevices and birds,
hand trace the future, the heart's extreme
A call gives sails, a grimace on dull, I
is a country without a flag, without mooring,
Death has its awards as elsewhere;
Tomorrow, extent, and the spring, its worth;
Everywhere places where to stand. "
Edgar Davidian
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